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NPO / NGO Solution

NGO is a non government and non profit organisation / part of government organisation in today's world NGO s are facing challenges to consolidate all their process and activities. There has been always a persistent need in streamlining NGO without curtailing their unique role. Considering challenges faced by NGO in consolidating all their process and activities, Di has introduced a centralized approach with the most advanced tools and technology for empowering and encouraging institutes.

Di system supporting to console date entire process of NGO's activates by flexible, accurate and advanced technology. Running a NGO with Di solution will make easier in this challenging world. Di's NGO solutions are designed and developed with a clearer understanding, considering all social, political and economic factors affecting NGOs; thereby increasing the chances of an NGO responding more flexibly and efficiently to limited issues by implementing projects which produce immediate benefits. Our NGO solutions designed and developed with alliance of well know NGO, so that we find and create new way of process to make everything by Di's NGO solution.

Di's NGO solutions provide the tool from its beginning and keep empowering in each steps of its process. This specialized technical solution involves planning projects, creating budgets, keeping proper accounts, proper channels of reporting and communication, with operational field works, involved directly on projects, transparency of information, and evaluation of this performance. By maintaining proper documentation, it allows NGO to reach countless volunteers, financial resources, materials; thus developing potentially strategic planning and vision.

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